
May 28, 2008 - 8:45 pm 2 Comments

For dinner tonight we had pork tenderloin stuffed with prosciutto and breadcrumbs, smashed potatoes, and sauteed green beans.

When hub sliced the tenderloin, I had to laugh. It had to be the most phallic food I’ve ever seen! They make a cream for that! Georgia O’Keefe would be proud!

It took me a while to stop laughing. Tasted good, though.

Click for bigger pic.

2 Responses to “Yum?”

  1. krystyn Says:

    Perhaps not phallic, but yonic?

  2. addlepated Says:

    Hmm, could be. I forgot to mention that it was topped with a mushroom sauce after I took the pic, which sent me into a further fit of the giggles.