Agony of indecision

June 20, 2003 - 3:06 am 2 Comments

I’m trying to decide where to buy Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix tomorrow night. I’m all for supporting local businesses, but after my bad experience last summer of going to the Alton Brown signing at BookPeople and realizing they’d run out of books earlier that day, I’m hesitant to try there. The Barnes and Noble about half a mile away is much closer, is also having a midnight release party, and I think is less likely to run out of books.

Where are you buying your Harry Potter tomorrow?

2 Responses to “Agony of indecision”

  1. JenBen Says:

    book? what’s that? If it’s not on the internet, I don’t read it.

  2. David Smith Says:

    Church. Claro que si.