Archive for May, 2011

Weekly Tweets

May 29, 2011 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • Many many thanks for all the birthday wishes! I've had a wonderful day and I sure as heck don't feel a year older! 🙂 #
  • Today is my lucky 13th wedding anniversary to the man of my dreams. What could be better? #
  • Hmmm, maybe that end times guy was onto something… Duke Nukem Forever just went gold: #
  • Dear L.A. Noire animators: The men in the 1940s would take off their hats in church. #
  • RT @GunGeekATX: RT @GunmartBlog: @ZOMBIESHOOTERS Why did the zombie cross the Road?…. Because you didn't bring enough ammo #
  • These noodles are a little Chewie: #
  • First 100 degree day of the year. Not the last. #
  • Transmedia Talk 26 with @mikemonello @varin @gmdclark @enaxor – Dave Szulborski Memorial Show #
  • It's astonishing how many bubbles a dishwasher full of hand soap is capable of making. #childrendoingchores #
  • Kitten hug time: #
  • Introducing Stupid Ned Stark (some GoT spoilers): #gameofthrones #
  • I just found an unexpected stash of my grandmother's recipes in an old book of sewer payment vouchers. Lard! Butter! Cream! Gelatin! #
  • I don't always drink beer, but I'm on a horse: #spokesmancollision #

Weekly Tweets

May 22, 2011 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • Heard peacocks wailing as I was biking on the Veloway. Peacocks? #
  • Woo I rode the whole Veloway! Except for the big hill where I popped my chain off. #
  • My favorite Metafilter post OF ALL TIME: #demonicbabies #
  • I just ate bone marrow and I am very, very happy. #

Weekly Tweets

May 15, 2011 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • Workout hack: Tron soundtrack. Must accomplish things! #
  • Incredibly handsome constrictor came onto the porch for a visit. Wish we had room for him to stay! #
  • Had a Billy T's beanburger today. Would have been perfect if they had toasted the bun more. I miss Sill's. #
  • Starbuck to the third power, y'all: #
  • Something is deeply wrong with my family. #
  • Officially down 20 lbs in 2011 as of this morning. Woo! #
  • That's the first time I've heard a mockingbird caw like a crow. #

Weekly Tweets

May 8, 2011 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • "Sleepover." What an oxymoronic term. #
  • RT @jmsender: Obama is running late because they are digging up that Mission Accomplished banner from Bush's totes in the basement. #
  • Anal nathrach… #
  • Yet another contentious school board election that makes me rue the day I put my email address in the damned school directory for playdates. #
  • My trainer is a huge videogame nerd. Kickass. #
  • People dancing around in their underwear around campus tonight. Ah, to be young again. #
  • Bicycle: get. #
  • RT @andrhia: L. Ron's wife was named Mary Sue? This *can't* be a coincidence. #
  • KILLED my shoulders on the shoulder press machine again at a WHOPPING 10 pounds. Such a wimp. #

Weekly Tweets

May 1, 2011 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets