Archive for April, 2012

Weekly Tweets

April 29, 2012 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • Kid decided to try playing Skyrim. I am sitting on my hands and trying not to "OH JUST GIVE ME THE CONTROLLER" at her. #
  • This kid-playing-Skyrim thing is giving me high blood pressure. #
  • The hospital's hold music is from Gattaca. Wrong on so many levels. #
  • Do you have your 27B – 6? #
  • Neil Gaiman interviews Stephen King: #
  • Stephen King's The Eyes of the Dragon is coming to SyFy: #
  • Roasted some Ecuadorian coffee a little lighter than I normally do for the notes of "spiced apple" that are supposed to emerge there. #
  • Parenting done right: kids singing and dancing to Nine Inch Nails on the way home from dinner. #
  • One of our big oak trees died from the drought, and it's being dismembered and shredded right now. 🙁 #
  • Ugh ugh, looks like maybe some more of our oaks are terminally ill as well. Stupid drought. #
  • My ex-tree. 🙁 #
  • The best link you'll click on all day. #
  • Sadako from Ringu throws out the… first pitch…? What is this I don't even #
  • World's creepiest Woody: #
  • Chilaquiles: The precursor to King Ranch Casserole. Bonus: They're gluten free! #
  • A warm welcome from Texas! #
  • Paisley or scorpion? #

Weekly Tweets

April 22, 2012 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • Do you do things BY accident or ON accident? Well, that depends on how old you are: #
  • Ugh, so much misinformation in one place in those lists of interesting "facts." #
  • I just got a political call from a candidate reminding me that my taxes are due today. #
  • Tilda Swinton? David Bowie? Same person. #
  • Beanburgers have nothing to do with BLACK BEANS, amirite, my San Antonian brethren? #
  • …stop the mosquitoes I want to get off… #
  • Ooh that's a bad sunburn already. Owie owie ow. 🙁 #
  • Is it just me, or does Expensify really suck these days? Anyone have an alternative they like? #
  • Dear Daughter: (a.k.a how to kick ass like a girl) #
  • I am eating carrot cake in bed. #
  • Kudos to @expensify for a prompt response – apparently I was running the old and busted app. *blush* Sorry! #
  • I love the moment when the expansion joints in the road ka-thump in perfect rhythm to the song on the radio. #
  • A little boy just stopped me to tell me his favorite letter is W. #
  • Have spent the last 8 hours walking and driving, but mostly walking. #
  • It's OUR shady spot, Precious. Yes, it is. #
  • I am still sunburned and bug-bitten, but I no longer smell like Courtney Love. Yay for clean! #
  • That moment when you realize that all of you can now be wrapped up by a normal-sized towel. #
  • Ugh, there's something in this hotel room that wants to kill me. *wheeze* #
  • I am apparently unable to listen to "Puff, the Magic Dragon" without turning into a quivering mess. #
  • Puzzle: Fixing a candle to the wall – #
  • "Got a new colon flavor today": #
  • Happy Independence Day, y'all! #
  • I am done wore out. #

Weekly Tweets

April 15, 2012 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • They're always after me lucky charms. #
  • I want THIS cereal!! #fallout #traderjoes #
  • Four days of no school and there's about to be a massacre up in here. Can't WAIT for summer break. #
  • Kid 1 ripped up Kid 2's drawing, so Kid 2 slugged Kid 1 in the kisser. I wonder, if I had boys, if it would have been calmer. #
  • Now they are downstairs giggling together. Kids, man. Kids. #
  • Dark Score Stories has been named a 2012 Webby Honoree in the Television category! #
  • Holy Twitter follower spambomb… 38 and counting in the last 10 minutes. #
  • Orcs! And so far from Orcland! #
  • Officially down 50 pounds as of this morning. 10 of those were this year. #
  • Now hear this: In matters of The Killing, I win the angry. #
  • This is why you shouldn't text and walk. Because: BEARS. #
  • If you can't handle a big car, don't drive a big car. THIS INCLUDES PARKING. #
  • Interesting #transmedia crossover – @Birchbox is including clues to Gossip Girl's finale in its May sample package. #
  • Dark Score Stories wins IAC award for Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising – proud to have worked on this! #
  • Was quite dismayed to find out the song I've been obsessed with lately came from a Twilight movie. 🙁 #
  • I bought four kinds of chai yesterday to see which I liked best. Luckily there was a clear winner. Yum. #
  • Thinking about reading The Hobbit to the kids. Or should we just wait for the movie? #
  • how do you like your blueeyed boy / Mister Death #
  • Amazon keeps rejecting my review of a counterfeit product. Because I mention it's counterfeit. #
  • Dear Dave Grohl: Quit reminding me of my mortality. #
  • K: "How did you do your hair for your first dance?" M: "I don't remember; that was 800 years ago." K: "Don't be ridiculous. It was 700 yrs." #
  • I guess because I haven't opened Photoshop in a couple of months, it randomly decided my copy is no longer registered. Sigh. #
  • Got a sample of lotion b/c I thought cinnamon/clove/amber/cognac would smell nice. Missed "Twilight" in the description. Yep. It sparkles. #

Weekly Tweets

April 8, 2012 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • The Killing premiere on April Fool's Day. Ha ha, fools, we will NEVER tell you who killed Rosie Larson! #
  • Goodbye, dingy off-white living room; hello, sexy red living room! Can't wait for the new couch. #
  • I let myself watch the opening credits. We need to put the kids to bed early tonight, by golly. #
  • Drawception looks like a lot of fun. #
  • Man, did that ruby at her throat glint dimly, or what? #
  • My kind of FarmVille! #
  • "Those words (horrifying, wonderful, hideous, exquisite) are only like saying to your readers, 'Please will you do my job for me.'"C.S.Lewis #
  • Borg Cube vs. Death Star: #
  • This lamp weighs about 40 pounds and is a nightmare to dust, but I love it just the same. #
  • Goodbye pee-yellow dining room; hello elegant blue dining room! This concludes our painting frenzy (save baseboards/cutting in). WHEW! #
  • Woo, new couch! Bonus: it doesn't smell like wet dog! #

Weekly Tweets

April 1, 2012 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • Amazing how happy children can be on a Sunday afternoon until they realize they forgot to do some homework. #
  • Thanks for switching off tonight of all nights, TiVo. I thought we were friends. #
  • I am so frustrated with Google Earth that I'm about to throw my computer throw a window. #
  • A professor I had 5 years ago got his email hacked and sent me spam. How the hell do people manage to get their accounts hacked?? #
  • Sometimes I miss my old sheets. #vintagemuppets #
  • Slammed into the car with my arm as I tried to get into it tonight. Between that and the leg/ladder incident, I look beat up. #
  • XKCD on buying things in the era of online reviews. #