Weekly Tweets

November 13, 2011 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • You can like the life you're living; you can live the life you like. #
  • Mac Parental Controls + Google Docs = a quivering, bloody mess. #
  • Hear no evil, speak no evil. La la la. #
  • I bought some tea made from the husks of coffee fruit, and it's pretty good. Different, but good. #
  • Holy crap, the Kindle edition of 11/22/63 is $18.99! #
  • EAS results: Only radio and broadcast channels. Time Warner didn't do the EAS test at all. They did one last night, but one today. Nitwits. #
  • Stephen King's Under the Dome coming to television: http://t.co/TWvPYN8b #
  • So… have you seen darkscorestories.com yet? Noticed anything unusual? #
  • Zombie apocalypse? There's an app for that. http://t.co/bXF67UON #
  • Are you supposed to wear socks with Ugg boots? (Asking for a friend / I do not wear Ugg boots, no! / Please don't hate on me) #
  • Legend of Zelda 25th anniversary theme: http://t.co/3RRwDzM2 #
  • Update to my portfolio at http://t.co/YrMdjdZu – in other news, I'm available for hire! #transmedia #
  • I'm not really fussed about 11/11/11. Am anxiously awaiting 13/13/13, though. #
  • It's interesting how my nasty, surly mail carrier gets a heck of a lot more personable when the holidays approach. #
  • Parrot caught singing "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor": http://t.co/f3vbHpze #
  • 11 sounds that your kids have probably never heard: http://t.co/b53c7gaS #passthegeritol #
  • I think the Rube is stalking me. #

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