Archive for March, 2011

Weekly Tweets

March 27, 2011 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • For some reason, I think my hair smells like cilantro. This is not a good thing. #
  • Two Dogs Dining: @labfly #
  • Waiting rooms are so much funner when they contain wailing children and indifferent parents. #
  • Haha, one of the techs just came up to the mom – "It's a really beautiful day outside. Wouldn't you all like some fresh air?" "No." *sigh* #
  • Do not play this game if you value your free time and/or sanity: Zen Loops #
  • My opinion? I think there's a dance in the old "Transmedia" dame yet, if we pull her strings JUST so. Starting fresh might be easier though. #
  • RT @workbook Transmedia Talk at SXSW 2011 – Roundtable Discussion on Pervasive Entertainment #
  • So disappointed in The Swan Thieves. After being enamored with The Historian, I expected far more out of Kostova. Sophomore slump? #
  • I had that Bloody Mary! @jaybushman RT @stitchmedia: Poignant and Pathetic – 11 Very Short Stories from #SXSW #
  • Luck is me! I’m #60444 on the waiting list for a Petite Lap Giraffe – #
  • Freelance writer rate chart. Interesting. Is this accurate? #freelance #
  • I really wanted to love Dragon Age II but alas, I did not. But it did make me want to play DA:O again, so there's that. #

Weekly Tweets

March 20, 2011 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • At the Hoax or Transmedia panel room, looking forward to the panel. #SXSW #
  • The devil on my shoulder just told me to stage a trailhead during this panel. #
  • Props to PF Changs: Sat our table of 8 immediately, food came out right away, good service and gave separate checks without asking. #
  • In Ballroom A, waiting for Moot to start. #sxsw #
  • Is Moot gonna hurl? #sxsw #
  • does not work from the #SXSW wifi. Isn't that special? #
  • Headed to Companion Gaming panel. #SXSW #
  • RT @tcconway: Tap what? #SxSW #
  • "This place is more and more circus-like by the moment." *Batman walks by.* "…Yep." #sxsw #
  • At Transmedia Artists Guild panel. #SXSW #
  • The Transmedia Artists Guild website is open – #sxsw #
  • RT @fergusjackson: If I see the word 'transmedia' in one more effing tweet I'm going to bomb Austin #SXSW #
  • Driskill loud and stuffed. Alt ideas? #
  • Heading to Bar 96. #SXSW #
  • Really stoked about the Dexter panel in a few! (Even though it's in BFE – WTF, #SXSW ) #
  • Met the ballerina from the Dexter ARG gnome scene – the designers set up the crime scenes in their own apartments. #dexterarg #
  • Showtime's Guerra is an ex-D&D player and liked how it was a participatory storytelling experience #dexterarg #
  • Big shoutout to Angelnorelation! 🙂 #dexterarg #
  • The Invinity symbol in the first Dexter episode was deliberate, but you knew that already, right? #dexterarg #
  • You can't be participatory if you don't listen to your audience. #dexterarg #
  • There is a whole lot of brown-nosing the client in this panel. Either they REALLY like him, or they REALLY want to do the next season. #
  • Sunday night at 9pm shouldn't be the main hub of Dexter – it should just be part of Dexter's story. #dexterarg #
  • Showtime shoutout to Fourth Wall! #dexterarg #
  • People really need to stop thinking about Unfiction as something they need to design for. #dexterarg #
  • An overhead picture of the assembled maze with the game designers lying in it. #dexterarg #
  • Sitting on the floor eating a stupidly expensive grilled cheese. My pickle is not cold. #
  • Where are peeps watching the keynote? #
  • In Ballroom A waiting for the keynote. #
  • "Your campaign is not a booty call; it's a long term relationship." -Felicia Day #sxsw #
  • Trade show put all the SEO and banner ad companies in Siberia. #SXSW #
  • Chance meeting with @cc_chapman at the Trade Show. 🙂 #
  • A chance meeting with cc_chapman at the trade show. #sxsw #
  • At "Having Fun Yet? 10 Usability Heuristics For Games" in Ballroom C. No idea where the gang is today. #sxsw #
  • This game designer is not a fan of the term "gamification," which got a hearty chuckle from the audience. #sxsw #
  • On the trade show floor I saw a bunch of droids selling little human Mimobots. #SXStarWars #
  • Some interesting parallels between game UI design and transmedia design… #sxsw #
  • Provide immersive cues to the player about their status – the more ambiguity the player has, the less immersive their world is. #sxsw #
  • Distinguish active from inactive – provide cues so that players know what they can/need to touch. #sxsw #
  • If the player DOES fail during a task, make sure they understand why. #sxsw #
  • Be game-state aware – give correct data to players at correct time, & let them dig deeper to areas that they want to find out about #sxsw #
  • Reading is easier than remembering – make objectives clear and memorable, don’t overburden w/information #sxsw #
  • Remember real life – provide quick and easy exits; consider environment your game is played in. #sxsw #
  • Maintain flow – minimize content breaks and cognitive dissonance. Does it all feel like one system? #sxsw #
  • Ask “What could I take away?” – don’t include information that’s irrelevant and don’t let bells and whistles overwhelm your project #sxsw #
  • The "Having Fun Yet?" panel was what #SXSW is all about. #
  • In Ballroom A, waiting for the New Worlds: Creating Online Sci-fi and Fantasy Experiences panel #sxsw #
  • Missed the 1st rule from the panel earlier: Inc. interaction speed over time – if yr doing same thing over & over, it shd get quicker #sxsw #
  • Upcoming panel has Craig Engler from Syfy and Felicia Day. Should be great! #
  • Don't just have a strategy that stops the day you launch – have a day 2 plan – Engler #sxsw #
  • You've created a bond with your audience – don't abandon them – Felicia Day #sxsw #
  • Someone dropped the TRANSMEDIA bomb at the panel. #sxsw #
  • Felicia Day: hates the term "Transmedia." Would rather say it's an opportunity to reinvent storytelling. (amen) #sxsw #
  • But it is the Buzz Word du Jour! RT @andrhia: THANK YOU on the straight talk, @feliciaday – franchising is not #transmedia #sxnewworlds #
  • Pasta party time! #
  • What the #pastaparty has come to: #
  • Off to the iron cactus. #
  • Rolling into home. #
  • Heading to Frank. #
  • Never thought I'd be in a biker bar that played Elton John. #
  • Hitler responds to SXSW 2011: #
  • SXSW: What ARG Makers Can Learn from UI Designers #transmedia #antitransmedia #
  • I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. #
  • What can I get for an 11 year old girl on the free market these days? #
  • Paul Reubens turns 60 next year. Dig on that for a while. #

Weekly Tweets

March 13, 2011 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • Spent a relaxing evening shouting obscenities at Puzzle Quest rather than at email. #
  • RT @andrhia: RT @jchutchins: God rested on Sunday, because God wasn't a freelancer. #
  • Why is Puzzle Quest so damned much fun? #
  • Everybody Tom Khlong tonight. #
  • Just had an aroma memory from pre-school! I didn't know I could remember back that far. #
  • RT @baconator: OH "my 3g isn't working…are sxsw people here already???" #
  • Dragon Age 2 shipped! Dragon Age 2 shipped! #
  • A Wilhelm scream on House. There's something you don't hear every day. #
  • Looking back through my portfolio and realized I've worked on 7 award-winning campaigns. Is that really important? Chime in, freelancers! #
  • Funny little thing – I try to launch Dragon Age 2, and it crashes. Every time! Neato. #
  • Oh good, I think it was a graphics card driver thing. DA2 works now, but my browser window is freaking out. Like I care about my browser. #
  • DA2 companion dialogue: "So, what's with that magical fisting thing you do?" "Um, sorry?" "You know, when you stick your hand into people." #
  • Carl Sagan vs. Old Spice Guy: #
  • Dragon Age 2 characters keep calling my female protag "Sirrah." Is it impossible for game devs to design with females in mind? #
  • #SXSW folk – I'll be at the convention center around 12:30-1 tomorrow. DM me if you need my cell #. #
  • Heading down to #sxsw in five. #
  • Dear #SXSW walk faster or get the hell out of my way. Love, me. #
  • Waiting for the "how to save SXSW from marketer douchebaggery" panel. They won't unlock doors. Is there a message there? #SXSW #
  • RT @scott_walker: SXSW #Transmedia peeps: informal meetup at the Driskill Hotel tonight at 7pm! #
  • At the True Blood panel, which is already half full. #SXSW #
  • A Szulborski puzzle on the screen at #sxsw *tear* #
  • Press room is out of coffee. Sad. #SXSW #
  • Waiting for The Last Broadcast – Entertainment Is Social panel #SXSW #
  • Transmedia travels in a pack. #sxsw #
  • Apparently the state of television in Australia is bleak. #futurecast #sxsw #doiwinaprize #
  • I don't understand all the emphasis on television – I don't see it as the end-all be-all in these days of TiVo and Netflix #futurecast #
  • What about internet-originated entertainment? #futurecast #
  • RT @mikemonello: Not only are we co-viewing TV, but we are co-complaining about this panel. #futurecast #
  • I am watching my twitter feed more than I am listening to this panel. #futurecast #
  • Going to Frank. #
  • Bloody Mary with bacon garnish. #
  • At One Story Many Angles #
  • Felicia Day is in the audience. #
  • The guy who directed the Justin Bieber movie is on the panel. Wondering if I made the wrong panel choice for this timeslot. #
  • "Tell stories people like to engage with on platforms they already like to be on." #sxsw #
  • Holy crap. Note to self: never EVER tweet about the fluffy-headed teen boy singer again. DIE SPAMMARS. #
  • Al Qaeda is #1 social network on the planet – what? this moderator needs to lay off the caffeine. #
  • Money is not your barrier to entry – people are shooting films on mobile devices with tiny budgets. Story is what you need, not $. #sxsw #
  • Be creative in how you get things done, because if you're not, other people will be. #sxsw #
  • Oxymoron? "The web is full of microcosms, so the more specific your storytelling, the more successful you'll be." #sxsw #
  • You can do anything if you tell a great story. (So glad to hear a panel that gets it!) #sxsw #
  • Christmas is a multi-platform story – music, cartoons, movies, stories #sxsw #
  • Was an interesting panel until they started selling PitchCon. #SXSW #
  • 15 minutes in and they're only half done pimping their bios. #sxsw #
  • The Disney guy talked all about Tron's transmedia properties without touching on the ARG. #sxsw #
  • I take it back – Disney mentioned the ARG. #SXSW #
  • AOL booth shutting down. #
  • Holy crap! Dark Tower book 8 due out next year – #stephenking #
  • I am so, so in love with my @NAOTusa shoes. Without even breaking them in, they have taken me miles through airports & #SXSW w/NO BLISTERS!! #

Weekly Tweets

March 6, 2011 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • Every day in every way I am becoming curmudgeonlier and curmudgeonlier. #
  • If you'd asked me 20 years ago whether Reznor's be in a tux accepting an Oscar I would have giggled. #
  • If Cate Blanchett had a hand on either side of that round thing on her dress, it would be the world's largest-broadcast Goatse. #
  • Please don't let Randy Newman perform the songs he writes anymore. #
  • Can Sandra Bullock make facial expressions anymore? #
  • Oh look, the classes are mingling. How quaint. #theoscars #
  • Seems that G4 got a mysterious package from North Korea! (Don't forget to listen to the awesome audio file 😉 ) #
  • Being Human is the best thing on TV right now. #
  • February weight loss: 8 lbs. Total weight loss: 11 lbs. #
  • 40 Social Mechanics for Social Games – brilliant! #
  • I have so much more respect now for people who answer support emails for interactive sites. Be kind to them. Send them chocolate and flowers #
  • What's that smell? #
  • Happy birthday, @Gupfee, happy birthday, @Gupfee, happy birthday, dear @Gupfee, happy birthday, @Gupfee! #
  • I'm pretty sure I killed my Meyer lemon plant. Benign neglect. #
  • RT @redbanshee: LOVE. THIS. RT: @wired: "Goodnight Arrakis. Goodnight sietch Tabr. Goodnight spice flows everywhere." #
  • So #sxswi tweeps – what's the best schedule tool out there? The SXSW built-in stuff? #
  • Novel being posted around the East Village, page by page. #
  • Hoping my sick child does not ensickenate me just in time for SXSWi. #
  • One way to cheer up a sick kid: play her the Shaving Cream song. #