Quickie kitty update

August 19, 2009 - 3:23 pm Comments Off on Quickie kitty update

Quick note to say that Icey is hanging in there. The vet was more optimistic about her PCV last week (18%), and in fact thought she was doing well enough to start treatment (Atopica, a.k.a. cyclosporine) to knock down her immune system, which will keep it from attacking her bone marrow. That might giver her a chance to regenerate marrow and blood cells. As with our dog, a relapse could come at any time, so we’re treating each day as a gift. So she’s taking 6 different pills every day, and every day I get more ventilated, but that’s okay! 🙂

On the other hand, Max ended up getting up getting some sort of stomach ailment and had to spend the night on an IV at the vet getting meds and fluids. Another $700 dollars, kasplat. He had a little relapse yesterday but not as bad. What the hell did I do to anger the cat gods?

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