Archive for September, 2012

Weekly Tweets

September 30, 2012 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • I'm making my great-grandmother's pineapple upside-down cake. It's made in an 8" cast iron skillet and has 1.5 sticks of butter in it. #glub #
  • So there was some sort of football game last night? #
  • Spending far too much time lately reading about Mass Effect 3 ending theories. #
  • Creepy-ass Victorian death photography. (Beware of auto-playing music, too.) #
  • Can you find something wrong with this picture? (No dead people in this one.) #
  • Have a drive to create something. Stashed something in webspace today in plain sight. Shall see if it is fruitful. #
  • Idiot cat ate a plastic bag. #
  • iPhoto's Faces feature picks the stupidest look to represent each person in the directory of faces. That has to be on purpose. #derpface #
  • Kitty update: He's fine, but we get to excavate his poop for the next couple of days. Kitty is, of course, pleased as punch at this. #
  • Got all that way only to realize my Mass Effect 3 extended cut DLC did not, in fact, DL. #
  • The $90 T-shirt. #
  • I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. A hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap. #
  • Meet the Star Wars franchise continuity cop: #
  • What does one play after finishing up with the Mass Effect world, anyway? #
  • The narrator for Texas Car Wars makes me want to burn things. #
  • At least this tarantula was outside. #

Weekly Tweets

September 23, 2012 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • Talk like a pirate at Krispy Kreme and get a donut. DRESS like a pirate at Krispy Kreme and get a dozen donuts! Nom. #
  • Light up arcade coin slot belt buckle: #
  • Pantry revamp nearly complete! #
  • OMG so organized! And tarantula free! #
  • I think we should take today to thank Wales for the equals sign. #
  • Fascinating thread on how to spot amateurs in a myriad of professions: How do you spot an amateur in _your_ profession? #
  • There is a major drawback to having the clear bins… #
  • Red kitties in sunny places. #
  • Baby, can you dig your man? #
  • The antibiotics will cure me or kill me. Whichever it is, I hope it's quick. #
  • To nobody's surprise, The Fool and His Money's release date delayed a week before ship. Delay #39 if you're counting. #
  • Space Shuttle went RIGHT over our house this morning. Really low. Which was neat, if I had known about it first. O.O #pantychange #
  • Normally I love How It's Made, but this stained glass segment features sliced-up fingers and bloodstained paper. Halloween is coming? #
  • Oh, him? He's spending a year dead for tax purposes. #

Weekly Tweets

September 16, 2012 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • Melissa and Doug crayons. You have GOT to be kidding me. Girls use green, too. #
  • I am the very model of a scientist Salarian. #
  • Updated my portfolio and resume with a little project we like to call… Deadly Affairs. #
  • A map of London showing where common surnames live: #
  • Germany is doing some really interesting things with traffic lights. Pong!! #
  • Protip: Send a couple of probes into the 7th planet of the Local Cluster in Mass Effect 2. See what EDI says. #
  • Somebody needs to have a sit-down with their prop master. #nbcfail #
  • Thought I'd try a piece of popcorn and spit out the husk. What hubris. #
  • Richard III's remains might have been found under a parking lot. Will this plot point make it into the next GRRM book? #
  • There's a good reason to hate cilantro: Excellent genes. #
  • Titanic screen test with Jeremy Sisto – dark, brooding, and chock full of chemistry with Kate Winslet. #
  • I can play Mass Effect 3 in Story Mode! <3 #
  • Anyone have personal experience with acupuncture? (Not just personal opinions. 😉 ) #
  • Tarantula on the pantry wall this morning. That's a quart size canning jar. #
  • There was also a scorpion in the dining room. First good rain we've had in 3 months. #
  • Better spider pic. #
  • A Wrinkle in Time, the graphic novel: #
  • Called @attcustomercare for some information on my wireless rate plan and got an UNRELENTING UVerse hard sell. Not cool, not cool at all. #
  • Our new pet is apparently a tarantula. #

Weekly Tweets

September 9, 2012 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • There's a pack of 6 Labradors here. Woof. #
  • Coming close to retiring from social media until 3 days after the election when nobody cares who's president again. #
  • Um, hey guys? I hear frogs. #
  • Going to bed all muddy, but at least I'm in a bed and not a mud puddle anymore. #
  • 650 people are hospitalized every year after slipping on dog crap in Paris's streets. #
  • Sudden Crepes Suzette craving! Aaaaahhh! #
  • Michael Clarke Duncan noooooo! #
  • Skynet takes another step towards becoming self-aware, kills awards program mid-broadcast: #
  • Artistic nephew has gone and remixed Adventure Time. (He's still for hire!) #
  • I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. #
  • I can see you shiver with antici… #
  • …pation! #
  • I didn't die once in Mass Effect 1. Just started ME2 and have died 5 times. Checked and there is no "Weenie" game difficulty setting. #
  • I love that moment when it all clicks into place. #
  • OH from a child on the floor: "So much toenails." #
  • Afraid of spiders? Just TELL them so. #
  • Something I could have done without: A spider scuttling underneath my face washing cloth in the shower. #
  • Cold front coming! Woo! High of 90 tomorrow. Get out the sweaters. #
  • If I go to an X-Files synopsis page and I read the words "Doggett" or "Reyes," I then close that synopsis page immediately. #
  • My daughters like to play "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Ruby Nose." It involves each pinching the other's nose until it turns red. #

Weekly Tweets

September 2, 2012 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • It's probably weird that I'm envious of my Commander Shepard's eyebrows. #
  • Just a little westerer, Isaac. #
  • Well, by "a little" I mean "Texas is thirsty." #
  • OH NO YOU DINT. #breakingbad #
  • That's it, man. Game over. Game OV-er. #
  • The lipstick has hit the fan over at #deadlyaffairs #
  • Parents, know that there is a gruesome, explicit One Direction fanfic on blogs & YouTube. You do NOT want your kid seeing it. Be vigilant. #
  • I finished Mass Effect 1 and liked it very much. I started Mass Effect 2 and my Xbox started acting up. 🙁 #
  • This is a problem. #rrod #
  • Well, the warranty expired in 2009… 🙂 #
  • Now that we have the new Xbox, the old one booted up just fine. #
  • I'm on a self-imposed Red Hot Chili Peppers hiatus. #
  • Have spent all evening perusing the Enforced Method Acting section on TV Tropes. #
  • E.T. on Blu-Ray – and the guns are back! See 0:25: #
  • How did Eli Roth as The Bear Jew get to his dark place? Hannah Montana, of course. #
  • Yesterday was one of my favorite days of the year: the day I noticed the elm leaves had a tinge of yellow. C'MON, COOL WEATHER! #
  • Had my first "Oops, I ate popcorn, oh no!" dream the other night. Weird. #
  • Greetings from Texas. #
  • For real this time. Welcome from Texas. Hope your night is as pretty as mine. #