Weekly Tweets
March 6, 2011 - 4:48 am
- Every day in every way I am becoming curmudgeonlier and curmudgeonlier. #
- If you'd asked me 20 years ago whether Reznor's be in a tux accepting an Oscar I would have giggled. #
- If Cate Blanchett had a hand on either side of that round thing on her dress, it would be the world's largest-broadcast Goatse. #
- Please don't let Randy Newman perform the songs he writes anymore. #
- Can Sandra Bullock make facial expressions anymore? #
- Oh look, the classes are mingling. How quaint. #theoscars #
- Seems that G4 got a mysterious package from North Korea! (Don't forget to listen to the awesome audio file 😉 ) http://bit.ly/hjp2Pd #
- Being Human is the best thing on TV right now. #
- February weight loss: 8 lbs. Total weight loss: 11 lbs. #
- 40 Social Mechanics for Social Games – brilliant! http://bit.ly/eoO0Px #
- I have so much more respect now for people who answer support emails for interactive sites. Be kind to them. Send them chocolate and flowers #
- What's that smell? #
- Happy birthday, @Gupfee, happy birthday, @Gupfee, happy birthday, dear @Gupfee, happy birthday, @Gupfee! #
- I'm pretty sure I killed my Meyer lemon plant. Benign neglect. #
- RT @redbanshee: LOVE. THIS. RT: @wired: "Goodnight Arrakis. Goodnight sietch Tabr. Goodnight spice flows everywhere." http://wrd.tw/ezG1Mp #
- So #sxswi tweeps – what's the best schedule tool out there? The SXSW built-in stuff? #
- Novel being posted around the East Village, page by page. http://bit.ly/fmk0li #
- Hoping my sick child does not ensickenate me just in time for SXSWi. #
- One way to cheer up a sick kid: play her the Shaving Cream song. http://youtu.be/JSAEownqddg #