Weekly Tweets

August 28, 2011 - 4:48 am Comments Off on Weekly Tweets
  • And gal! RT @mjandersen: Thanks again to @VisitBtown for being the best free online concierge a guy could ask for #argfest #
  • Farewell, #ARGfest 'Twas fun! #
  • The TSA very confused by my bar of (replica) Nazi gold. Cc @yoms #ARGfest #
  • My 3.5 hour layover is now a 4.5 hour layover. Ta-da! #
  • The wifi hotspot access I paid for in concourse B doesn't work in concourse A. Neat! #
  • Three loudspeaker announcements at Chicago Midway cut off midstream. The zombie apocalypse has begun. #zombieapocalypse #
  • It's possible that the guy next to me on the plane hasn't bathed in the month of August. #
  • Some plane fell into my lap. A lovely parting gift! #
  • Home again, home again, jiggety jig. #
  • All day travel makes me feel like this, too: http://t.co/8JPWaWa #
  • People are so weird. #
  • Q: How many hipsters does it take to change a light bulb? A: It's an obscure number. You've probably never heard of it. #
  • What would I do without the smooth jazz of conference call hold music? #
  • Naming the school mascot the Cougars probably seemed like a better idea a few years ago than it does now. #
  • Just because it's not in English doesn't mean it can't SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF YOU: http://t.co/Mi1DF9j #
  • GDC has gone native. #qrmania /cc @vpisteve http://t.co/Jr163aw #
  • There is no brimstone in hell. There is only cilantro. #
  • #Transmedia creators should own their work: Silverstring Media ยป Thoughts from ARGFest: Transmedia Storyteller Fandom: http://t.co/Xk2klyf #
  • They have a cave troll. #
  • I just found out that "Jiveass" is an acceptable play in Words With Friends. The More You Know* #
  • 10 pages of school news letter in Comic Sans. Yay! #
  • Han shoots first: http://t.co/P0xu3sO #madeyoulook #
  • Got children? This blog is awesome! http://t.co/Ed9ZwKb #
  • The Secret Language Code: The study of pronouns in personal writing. Surprising results! http://t.co/CKGJbDk #
  • My last tweet about the Secret Language Code was, in fact, legit. It's a cool read. #
  • It always puzzles me when players set about to make things even more difficult for game designers. Sheer orneriness? #
  • Everyone freaking out about Irene hitting NYC. Isn't it going to slam into North Carolina first? Why no love for them? #
  • The doctor's pretty sure that my rampaging 9 year old didn't break my foot 3 weeks ago. Not 100% though. Child abuse! By a child! #
  • Today's earworm: BSG Season 4, "Resurrection Hub" http://t.co/UMdY4uh #
  • I have been saying "Just wait until you have children of your own" an awful lot lately. #
  • I am so in love with the Alternate Histories Etsy store right now: http://t.co/j1SZMcu #
  • 103 already. Gluh. #
  • Officially deleted my Digg RSS feed and replaced with Reddit. #
  • What's better than engagement photos? ZOMBIE engagement photos: http://t.co/6ylzASV #

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