Archive for March, 2007

Three random things:

March 3, 2007 - 2:13 am 2 Comments

1) I had a nightmare the other day that I forgot to wear shoes to class and I was horribly embarrassed. Some sort of strange variation on the No Pants dream, I guess.

2) I got an email from a large upcoming event in Austin saying they needed to verify some of my information. There were two problems with that: first, I sent them the information last week; and second, they frigging put over 150 email addresses in the “To:” field rather than BCC! Let the replies to all, viruses, and spammy networking commence. Woo.

3) My foot met with the ass end of the dog last night and I think I either broke something small or bruised something large. Note to self: dog asses are bony.

RIP, Heather

March 2, 2007 - 1:32 pm Comments Off on RIP, Heather

If anyone reads the Living With Melanoma blog linked on the sidebar, I just read the sorry news that the blog’s author, Heather, died this morning. She left behind a husband, four young children, and a bunch of people online and off who cared about her. 🙁