Archive for October, 2007
Halloween bacon
Halloween is here, and in the air is a strong scent of bacon.
WTF? Why does the street smell like bacon? It’s been bacon-smelling since we took the kids trick or treating an hour and a half ago. Now the smell is so strong, it smells like bacon in the house.
Not that I’m complaining.
But… bacon? Huh?
Some Halloween goodness. Our little devil and Spiderella, and the severed ladyfinger cookies I made for my classmates (yes, I’m baking cookies for my college colleagues… Hub keeps calling me a little old lady.
Whatever happened to…
The pair on the box of Mastermind?
(Okay, maybe not as compelling as the search for the Afghan girl on the cover of National Geographic, but still fun.)
It’s that time of year again
The rut is in full swing for the Austin whitetail deer population, and nowhere is it more evident than in West Lake Hills. In the last week I’ve seen an 8 point buck in my front flowerbed, menacing me (and the puppy) through the front door window. Earlier today we saw a blonde woman jogging down the street, closely followed by a loping 6 pointer. I wonder just what sort of ‘tail’ he thought he was chasing. I wonder if she knew she was being menaced by a horny ungulate.
Be careful out there. The stupid lovesick bucks will cross roads in the middle of the day if they think they’re gonna get some. They’re especially dumb this time of year and somewhat territorial. Don’t be this guy. Or this one.
More stampeding by the herd
Rumor Scares Some KU Students Away from Campus
A viral marketing campaign incites yet another panic. Sheesh, people. I bet they all forwarded on the email about the headlights-off-gang-initiation, too.
Hooray for rootkits, er, software nazis, er, copy protection
Obligatory “SecuROM sucks” here.
I purchased Knights of the Old Republic 2 to play on my MacBook Pro
using Parallels virtualization software. When I try to play it, the
disk spins for a long time, then I get a popup window saying
“Original disc could not be found or authenticated.” I have all four
original disks, plus the packaging, sitting next to me.I tried to find the option to create an analysis file to send you,
but there is no such thing on my right-click menu. The game plays
under Boot Camp, but I need to be able to play it under Parallels.Thanks in advance for your help.
Thank you for your email. Please understand that a SecuROM protected
application will not run on a MAC running Parallel Tools. Please insert
the application into a Windows based PC and try to launch the application
again.Best regards,
SecuROM Support Team
SecuROM on the web:
or via e-mail:
It’s copy protection, yes? Meant to keep me from making unauthorized copies of my legally-purchased software? But even though I’m using the original disks, it won’t work (I think Parallels emulates virtual drives).
Right. Makes perfect sense.
Halloween, Hello Skank
Thought it might be interesting to show some of the Halloween costumes out there for little girls these days. For reference, size S is 4-6, M is 8-10, and L is 12-14. Sizes roughly correspond with age.
I don’t think any comment is necessary.
Smells… like a sewer
We paid a load of money to get off our septic tank and onto West Lake Hills’ sewer service. We were pretty shocked when we started getting our bills every month – right now we’re paying $80/month for sewer ONLY, not counting water. Today our bill had a notice that the city council has raised rates because they’re losing $24,000 a month on the sewer service (it’s been seriously mismanaged from the start) and residential rates are going up an average of 50%.
Screw that. We’re calling to find out what it’s going to take to get back on septic. We don’t need to be paying $1400+ a year on sewer service. I’ve regretted the move ever since we made it, for many reasons – not the least of which is that the sewer service depends on power, so if our lights go out, our toilets won’t flush. Something about a grinder pump.