Good Morning, Tree Co.
Back in November I wrote a post about Good Mourning Tree Company who kept leaving flyers on my door. That post has been very popular on this website, garnering several search engine referrals from people looking for more information about the business.
Today we got another flyer. They’ve changed a bunch of information around so that the searchable terms have decreased. The company is now calling itself “Good Morning Tree Co.” (note the change of spelling) and all references to its felon owner, Sid Mourning, have been removed.
They’re still at the same telephone number: (512) 420-0733, although they’ve removed Sid Mourning’s 512-657-4349 number.
This is the company that came into my back yard, climbed the stairs over my garage, and left a flyer on the guest apartment door, as well as leaves countless reams of spamvertising on my front door. One time they left a flyer while we were out of town. For the next week we had that white banner on our front door proudly announcing that we were out of town. When I called Sid Mourning in a good-faith attempt to get his company to quit soliciting my house, he told me that nobody would rob my house and that I must have too much time on my hands.
May 11th, 2006 at 3:41 pm
I think it is pretty lame to include that the owner was a felon. So what? Dont you believe in second chances? From what I understand the felony was in relation to something that a good portion of society and especially Austin does. Nothing that hurts ANYONE. I know Sid, albeit not very well, but well enough to know that he has more business than he can handle (he is doing my trees and I am on a waiting list) and I find it very hard to believe that IF he was “Spamming” your house with flyers, that he probably was not aware of it.
You seem to have a witchhunt attiude toward this business. It is one thing to be frustrated and angry.But you almost sound proud that you have helped to tarnish his businesses name and make sure that you include the new spelling as well as dislcose past criminal history. I would examine your motives and consider that maybe if you were not such a bored housewife with all this extra time on your hands, perhaps you would be less willing to devote so much time to bad mouthing someone elses life and learn to give people second chances! Do you really think that he would intentially go back and flyer your house after the mess you created in November?
Finding myself intolerant at your intolerance.
May 11th, 2006 at 6:04 pm
If Sid had not been so nasty to me on the phone and if they had followed city ordinances and respected the no-solicitation list, I would feel much differently about the company. All the information I posted is publicly available. And by “something that a good portion of society and especially Austin does” you mean DUI, cocaine, and opioids, you must deal with a different segment of Austin than I do. Second chances, great. The man’s been CONVICTED SIX TIMES! How many second chances do you want?
Frankly, your ad hominem attacks sound exactly like what Sid Mourning said to me on the phone when I called to ask (courteously) that they quit putting flyers on my door. I’m surprised it took so long for someone to post a message like this.
I’m interested to know what mess I created last November. A letter to city hall is a “mess”?
Good luck with your trees.
February 19th, 2007 at 1:53 pm
DO NOT USE THIS SERVICE! The guy showed up to my house an hour late smelling of alcohol. His flyer says “arborhist on staff” but no arborhist showed up – only two day laborers asking my wife what to do. Isn’t that what we pay the “arborhist on staff” to know? I spent nearly an hour with that honyak detailing exactly what I wanted done and he didn’t even have his act together enough to pass it along to his unskilled labor crew.
The worst part: I called him to see if he could make sure a skilled professional was onsite before they started butchering my trees and he said “Forget it. I’m not coming down to South Austin for a residential job” and cancelled it. Which at that point was just taking the words out of my mouth.
This guy is a dirtbag of the lowest order. I’m not at all suprised to hear he has a long criminal record.
February 20th, 2007 at 1:17 pm
Contact the BBB – and file a complaint. They are leaving flyers everywhere, in spite of calling their office and asking them not to. The Hyde Park Neighborhood Association has been trying to get them out of our neighborhood for a while, but they just won’t listen.
Also – you may want to go onto Angie’s list and Yahoo to give your feedback on his company. A lot of people have been scammed by this company. We’ve never used them, and WON’T – but I thought the feedback would be helpful.
March 7th, 2007 at 3:43 pm
I am infuriated. Somehow, the company has managed to have many of the negative reviews removed from City Search and other web blogs and sites. This is absurd. I am filing a complaint w/ the BBB today and contacting the Dept of Corrections & Probation. If I receive on more flyer…at least the last flyer did not have my property FALSELY LISTED ON IT as the others did. My friends were apalled to have their names and addresses listed and passed around the city. ENOUGH ALREADY It is outrageous.
Hey, “SteveinOakHill” what happened to your CitySearch posting?
March 8th, 2007 at 5:56 pm
Hour Late for Estimate, VERY Rude – Owner “Sid” is a Convicted Felon
Posted by bagadoritos on 02/19/2007
DO NOT USE THIS SERVICE! The guy showed up to my house an hour late smelling of alcohol. His flyer says “arborhist on staff” but no arborhist showed up – only two day laborers asking my wife what to do. Isn’t that what we pay the “arborhist on staff” to know? I spent nearly an hour with that honyak detailing exactly what I wanted done and he didn’t even have his act together enough to pass it along to his unskilled labor crew. The worst part: I called him to see if he could make sure a skilled professional was onsite before they started butchering my trees and he said “Forget it. I’m not coming down to South Austin for a residential job” and cancelled it. Which at that point was just taking the words out of my mouth. This guy is a dirtbag of the lowest order. I wasn’t at all suprised to find out he has a long criminal record.
* Pros: None.
* Cons: Very unprofessional. Very rude. Very Unreliable. Advertises skilled labor, uses day labor.
* Overall user rating: Not Recommended
March 9th, 2007 at 4:07 pm
you may want to consider taking your information to the Texas attorney general’s office as a claim of deceptive trade as well.
There has been talk in our neighborhood by some people who would like to confirm that they are carrying adequate insurance before using them – however, we have just flat out told them – DON’T – use Good Mourning Tree Company OR Good Morning Tree Company there are nother legitimate tree companies who are NOT leaving trash all over the neighborhood.
April 11th, 2007 at 1:02 am
Sid Mourning can do (and often does) whatever he wants. He also had on his record a federal offense for which he spent years in a federal prison for cocaine distribution. He was/is married to a woman whose family is very close with the family of our ‘great’ president. Perhaps that is how he got the federal offense wiped off his record.
August 2nd, 2007 at 4:06 pm
Whatever you do, don’t use Good Morning Tree Company. I didn’t know and don’t really care about all this stuff involving drugs, federal charges, etc. All I know is that these guys didn’t do what they were supposed to do with our trees. When I called to get them out to fix it, they said they wouldn’t until I paid them. Finally, I got them out and Sid Mourning showed up angry and disgruntled that he had to come back out to our house. When I asked him questions about the job, he cursed repeatedly and stormed off. To his credit, his foreman finished answering questions and supervised the job. Later, the same employee called me to apologize for Sid’s ridiculous and unprofessional behavior. Recently, we got a flyer listing us as a reference! I’ve filed a BBB complaint and will do whatever else I can to prevent anyone from using this company.
August 17th, 2007 at 6:46 pm
Whatever you do, don’t use Good Morning Tree Co. While they were here, I kept asking them repeatedly in a polite way to please make sure that they cover the pruning cuts with pruning paint on my live oak trees because we have problems with oak wllt in our neighborhood. He kept reassuring me in broken English that they were doing it. After they left and I had given them the check for payment, I realized that they did a terrible job. They did not cover up the pruning cuts. I called immediately and complained to the company. They have completely ignored me.
August 17th, 2007 at 7:06 pm
Here is the phone number of the arborist at Good Morning Tree Company.
Her name is Brook. 512-496-5879.
Please call her up and complain. She has completely ignored me.
I paid them $3,355 and they have completely ignored my complaints.
August 21st, 2007 at 6:26 pm
Update: Please read if you care about your trees
Because I had a bad experience with Good Morning Tree Company, I have contacted oak wilt specialists in Austin. I found out that this company has a bad reputation. Please note that it has nothing to do with the past history of the owner. They told me to warn other people and that is my only motive.
My first and only concern is that I don’t want my trees to get oak wilt.
August 29th, 2007 at 11:27 am
I have just sent my second e-mail to Good Morning Tree Company requesting that they stop leaving their flyers on my door. This time I copied the BBB. If I receive another I will be filing a complaint with someone!!
March 5th, 2008 at 3:44 pm
The primary problem with this company is not how they do bussiness as a bussiness but how they do the trees. All of the work that I have seen this company do is way below industry standards in the united states for proffesional tree care. Trees are stripped out to the very tips, flush cuts everywere and a total lack of complete saftey euipment for their workers. Tree care is unregulated in the state of texas and this leads to lots of proffessional damage to trees. If you want to hire an Arborist vist this site was developed by the International Society of Arboriculture to educate cunsumers on the needs of their trees and how to select a Proffesional Arborist. Keep in mind also that much of the tree work that is going on in your area is in violation of city code. Striping of trees 19 inches in diameter and larger is illegal in the city of Austin – Hope this helps, Nevic Donnelly, Certified Arborist/Municipal Specialist TX-3272ATM/TOWC-0022
July 15th, 2008 at 10:19 am
OR YOU CAN DO WHAT I DID to this spam delivering idiot. Save the flyers, make copies,and when they paper your neighboorhood next, write SUCKS on the flyer and put them on stop signs in your hood. I also take them off my neighboors doors. Once I even used one to wipe my ass, and sent it to them in the mail (NOT KIDDING!!!)
December 16th, 2009 at 7:59 am
I canceled my paid advertising with Citysearch because of what happened with GMTS. They had numerous negative listings, and then one day all the sudden, their bad postings were gone, and they had paid ads all over the place. Citysearch has obviously sold out. There content is not original content from their users.
September 30th, 2010 at 8:09 am
Thanks for sharing your story. Leaving flyers to promote a tree and landscaping service seems to be making a comeback along with viral marketing.