
June 23, 2003 - 9:36 pm 1 Comment

Today was not a good day to be my left hand.

First, in a fit of frenzied cleaning, I decided to give the screened in porch a major sweeping which took about 30 minutes, after which I had a dime-sized blister on my thumb.

Then, as I was cooking myself some spaghetti squash in the microwave, I thought I had turned up the edge of the plastic wrap with the point of a knife to let out steam, but turns out I didn’t, and I burned the living fuck out of my finger, which now has blisters from the second knuckle to the fingertip.

Yeah, I’m in pain. I can’t imagine the agony those people who get third degree burns over 50% of thair body endure.

One Response to “Gauche”

  1. JenBen Says:

    That HAS to be the best opening line of a post that I’ve ever seen! lol

    Sorry about your hand.